
Every new SaaS business will need a backoffice. A place for administrators to peak into the database for user accounts, teams, subscriptions, and other important resources. Business Class implements a custom admin area separated by administrator privileges and featuring GoodJob and PgHero dashboards.

Admin roles

Most people start with a simple administrator account, but Business Class thinks one step ahead. Any regular user can become and administror of a certain privilage which means you can easily hire support staff and administrators without giving them the most critial access in the beggining.


Administrators can browse users, teams, and subscriptions, as well as perform important admin tasks such as deleting users API tokens or cancelling subscriptions.


Technical dashboards lets you see what's going on and take action. That's why super administrators have access to Mission Control and PgHero dashboards right from the administration navigation. The Solid Queue web dashboard will help to keep an eye on your background jobs processing while PgHero will keep you in the loop when it comes to your PostgreSQL database.


You can manage your built-in blog right out from the admin area.